Blog written by Lieske
If you're currently setting your New Year's Resolution(s)- this post is for you! Each year, I choose a few sustainability goals to help me develop habits and take actions aimed at following a more sustainable lifestyle. I have tried to do these all at once and can vouch for how incredibly difficult it can be in the modern day world to do - so instead I recommend choosing just a handful to focus on and then expanding on ways you can embed them into your everyday life.
.01 Become a DIYer
This was one of my favorites from this last year. Every chance I had the time- I would try to learn how to make or fix something myself. This not only included making my own cleaning supplies and fixing up items that were broken or damaged- but trying to make my own food (for example- ever since I found out how to make my own tortillas- I haven’t had to buy them since).
Trying to cut down on your plastic waste by trying to make your own cleaning supplies and laundry detergent
Try making your own spice mixes
Make your own pastries, tortillas and or breads
Reduce food waste by re-envisioning leftovers
(Find out how to make your own stock by using aging produce - you can even freeze produce and herbs till you have the time to do such before they go bad - and try dehydrating your own spices)
.02 Shop Locally
Avoid shopping online
Read the label when you are shopping and ask questions about where things are being sourced from
Curate your feed on social media to avoid buying impulsively: go to your ad preferences on Instagram or Facebook and set it to show less of certain ad topics that you find yourself clicking on.
Bring a jar with you to the grocery store and buy some of your dry ingredients in bulk
Get your produce and meat locally - if you can afford it find a CSA
.03 Switch Over to Greener Alternatives in Your Home
Change over to energy efficient lighting (check out our blog on this one)
Avoid wasting water
Supporting companies that carry no plastic packaging for your household essentials (think paper towels, dish sponges, etc.)
Unplug items when you aren’t using them and stop charging items when they are at full power
.04 Be Proactive
Try removing a stain before thinking before replacing a clothing piece
Learn some basic sewing skills and try to repair any clothes that need a little love
Treat your wooden furniture, countertops or cutting boards to a little conditioning oil (this will keep them from uneven coloring over time)
Tend to your plants in the spring by fertilizing and refreshing their soil (if you can't keep a plant alive- it might be in your best interest to stop buying them and switch over to some dried grasses)
Taking care of your belongings is one of the best ways to reduce your waste. All it takes is setting a day aside once or twice a year to repair or treat your belongings to ensure their longevity. As for applying this practice daily- think about what products you use to clean and how they wear down your furnishings and clothes over time- choose a cleaning routine that ensures the health of your home.
.05 Organize Your Recycling
Make sure what you are recycling is actually getting recycled. Check out our guide to what can be recycled or composted in the city of Seattle- you may find that you've been making some common recycling mistakes that are causing your goods to actually end up in the landfill!
.06 Read News About The Planet That Is Positive
You read that right - good news? Hard to find these days, we know.. By focusing on uplifting stories about environmental successes—such as innovations in renewable energy, conservation efforts and so forth - we can foster a sense of hope and be motivated for further action. Know our collective actions can lead to progress!
Here are some of my favorites:
World Wildlife Fund's Sustainability Blog
Daily Climate
Future Earth on Instagram
EcoCentral on Instagram